Summer and winter schools

SAINT Update Meeting October 2020

Here, you find the presentations from SAINT Update Meeting in October 2020.



The final SAINT Winter School will take place at the Technical University of Copenhagen from March, 23rd, till April, 3rd, 2020. The first week will include presentations on all working packages (Space Observations, Ground Observations, Laboratory Experiments and Computer Simulations) in the morning and time for the Individual Research Projects (IRPs) in the afternoon. During the second week, the ESRs will be taught in data management and proposal writing.

More information can be found here.


SAINT Summer School 2, Toulouse, June, 24th, till July, 5th, 2019

The second summer school of the H2020 Innovative Training Network (ITN) SAINT (Science and innovation with thunderstorms) is organized in the city of Toulouse, in the South West of France, from 24 June  to 5 July 2019. The University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse (UPST) is involved in SAINT, together with 9 other beneficiaries and 9 partner organisations in Europe. SAINT aims at training 15 Ph.D. students of the network on the physics and effects of atmospheric electric discharges related to thunderstorms, from micro- to macro-scales; on the development of knowledge and numerical algorithms for lightning detection/protection, for new applications in atmospheric physics.

More information can be found on the school webpage:


SAINT Winter School 2, Amsterdam, January, 21st, till February, 1st, 2019

The winter school will focus on modelling and simulations of these phenomena. It is part of the educational programme of the European network SAINT, and open to other participants as well. It is aimed both at modellers and non-modellers at about PhD level. In the morning there will be lectures on physical modelling and on numerical techniques, and in the afternoon there will be hands on coding and demonstrations of codes available within the community. One day will be devoted to time and project management.

More information can be found on the school webpage:


SAINT Summer School 1, Barcelona, June, 2nd, till June, 13th, 2018

After one year of the start of the SAINT action, the first summer school will be held at the UPC in Barcelona (Spain). The school has a two-week program that includes the ESR Workshop, participation of the 2018 campaign, invited scientific and industry lectures, meetings, tutorials, experiments and field activities. On behalf of the organizing committee we hope you will enjoy it.

More information can be found on the school webpage:


SAINT Winter School 1, Copenhagen, January, 15th, till January, 19th, 2018

The Winter School is the first time that the network is brought together and that all the Ph.D. students get a chance to meet each other. The purpose of the school is therefore two-fold: to introduce the students to the basic physics and methods of the SAINT network, and to have students and scientists get to know each other. To remind us all about the boundary conditions for the school, I extract the research objectives of SAINT from the proposal and the learning objectives of the school.


Here, you find the presentations from the first SAINT winter school held in Helsingoer in January 2018 (in chronological order):


S. Soula: Development and electrical environment of a thundercloud with supplementary material

U. Ebert: Plasmaphysical modeling of thunderstorms with supplementary material

N. Østgaard: Observations, theory and modeling of TGFs

F. Gordillo-Vázquez: The chemistry of electric discharges and the use of spectral measurements

M. Füllekrug: Lightning and Sprites in the Electromagnetic Spectrum

L. Chaumat: How to create useful data products from lightning measurements from space



J. Phelps & S. Nijdam: Low Cost Lightning Detection Project

A. Luque: Useful concepts in high-performance computing



H.D. Betz & O. van der Velde:  Lightning Mapping Array / High-Speed Camera (UPC)

S. Pédeboy: Insights on characteristics and validation techniques

A. Bennett: Electrostatic detection of lightning and transient luminous events
28 OCTOBER 2024